publisher "Bacon Playing Card Company" (Beijing, China)
standard brands, since 2017
dimension 63x88 mm
I. Brand
1. WWPCM22857/01: V1, 2017, printed by "USPCC"

box1 box1

2. WWPCM22857/02: V2, 2018, printed by "USPCC"

box2 box2

3. WWPCM22857/03: V3, 2019, printed by "USPCC", designed by Xiaoshuai Studio

d22857j01 d22857j02 d22857a01 d22857r01 box3 box3
spade heart diamond club
jack jack

4. WWPCM22857/04: V4 - White Rabbit edition, 2020, printed in Taiwan

5. WWPCM22857/05: V5 - Blue & Red Rabbit edition, 2020, printed in Taiwan

II. Brand
"Turbulence" (1000 copies),
since 2020
6. WWPCM22857/06:
edition 2020, printed in China, standard USPCC courts

d22857j03 d22857j04 d22857sA2 box1 box1 box2 box2

7. WWPCM22857/07: Year of the Tiger edition 2023, printed in China

d22857sA2 d22857hA2 box box