publisher: "Irish Playing cards Manufacturing Co."
decks "Fenell" serie, since 1910
from description: ”Follow the spirit of the age Known as the Heroic Period of Irish History
The costumes, ornaments and details represent this era as closely as possible”
1. WWPCM01866/01: by "Eagle Printing Works Ltd." (South Mall, Cork), 1910
I don't know: it was the first printer or a publisher so.
dimension 57x88 mm

d01866j02 d01866a01 d01866r01b d01866r01c box1 edition? d01866r02
spade heart diamond club
ace ace ace ace
king king king king
queen queen queen queen
jack jack jack jack

2. WWPCM01866/02:  wide edition of 1920

d01866j01 d01866a02 d01866r01d box2 d01866r01 box3
spade heart diamond club
king king king king
queen queen queen queen
jack jack jack jack

3. WWPCM01866/03:  Another deck of "Fenell" serie:

spade heart diamond club
king king
queen queen
jack jack

4. WWPCM01866/04:  full reprint by "Orija" (Lithuania), 2007
deck No.87 (24+2J+1ec), dimension 59x88 mm

d01866j03 d01866j02 d01866a03 d01866r01b