"Dal Negro" (Italia)
deck No.42403 "I Tarocchini", 1998
reprint of 1665 made for Bentivoglio (see arms of family at hA)
artist Gioseppe Maria Mitelli (1634-1718, Bologna, Italy) - see portrait at dA
Each of the six tables with the copperplate engraving of the 62 cards
by Mitelli have the same tittle:
GIOCO DI CARTE DI TAROCCHINI (Card game of Tarocchini)
d01865j01 | box | back: white; first edition in sheet was uncoloured, this edition is hand-coloured |
Full deck (62 cards), dimension 72x141 mm.
spade | heart | diamond | club |
king | king | king | king |
queen | queen | queen | queen |
cavalier | cavalier | cavalier | cavalier |
jack | jack | jack | jack |
10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Trionfi (Triumphs, Trumps, Atouts)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
The Triumphs are unmarked and some of them are original:
No. | Mitelli name | standard name | modern Bologna name |
1 | Juggler | The Magician | Begattino |
2 | The Emperor | The High Priestess | Imperatore |
3 | The Empress | The Empress | Imperatrice |
4 | Sitting Pope | The Emperor | Papa in trono |
5 | Standing Pope | The Pope | Papa |
6 | The Love, Cupid | The Lover | Amore |
7 | The Chariot, Venus | The Chariot | Carro |
8 | Temperance | Justice | Temperanza |
9 | Justice | The Hermit | Giustizia (Justice) |
10 | Force | The Wheel of Fortune | Forza |
11 | The Wheel of Fortune | Force | Roda (The Wheel) |
12 | Old man | The Hanged Man | Vecchio (Old man) |
13 | Traitor | Death | Traditore (Traitor) |
14 | Death | Temperance | Morte (Death) |
15 | The Devil | the same | Diavolo |
16 | Lightning | The Tower | Saetta (Lightning) |
17 | The Star | the same | Stella (The Star) |
18 | The Moon, Diana | the same | Luna |
19 | The Sun, Apollo | the same | Sole |
20 | The World, Atlas | Judgement | Mondo (The World) |
21 | Angel, Judgement | The World | Angelo |
See the modern Tarocco Bolognese WWPCM04910 and the changement of the four
Triumphs 2, 3, 4, 5, called the Popes, in the four Moors in the
year 1725
gift (and information) of Domenico
Starna (Roma)
Information from http://trionfi.com:
Mitelli is a well known Italian artist, he has realised various other topics, some of them
very similar to his Tarot cards, some related to the dice game.
41 figures, "Professions", very similar to the Mitelli Tarocchi
l'arti per via d'Ani.bal' Ca.raci
26 figures, "Professions", similar to the Mitelli Tarocchi
Le uentiquattr'hore/ dell'humana felicita/ Bologna, 1675
ca. 50 figures, "Proverbs", most of them similar to the Mitelli
Prouerbj/ figurati/ Bologna, 1678
Includes games with dices Stampe sciolte
vita del poltrone Bologna 1653
della gioventu e della vecchiaia