"Politicards Corp." (Los Angeles, USA)
deck "Politicards" (52+2J), 1971
designed by Peter Green; dimension 57x89 mm

d01240j01 d01240j02&3 d01240r01
spade heart diamond club
ace ace ace ace
king king king king
queen queen queen queen
jack jack jack jack
10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2

Politicards were created ias an extension of Peter Green's political cartoons appearing in Esquire, New York Magazine, Life, and Playboy.
JOKERS: William F. Buckley & Norman Mailer.
A—Capitalist Elephant
K—Strom Thurmond Senator, S. Carolina
Q—Martha Mitchell Public Speaker
J—Ronald Reagan Governor of Calif,
10—Nelson Rockefeller Governor of N.Y.
9—Gerald R. Ford House Min. Leader
8—Barry Goldwater Senator, Arizona
7—Hugh Scott Senator, Penn.
6—Jacob K. Javits Senator, New York
5—Billy Graham Pres. Chaplain
4—Edward W. Brooke Senator, Mass.
3—James L. Buckley Senator, New York
2—Paul N. McCloskey Rep. California
A—Presidential Elephant
K—Richard M. Nixon President
Q—Patricia R. Nixon Wife
J—Spiro T. Agnew Vice-President
10—John N. Mitchell Ex-Attorney General
9—Melvin R. Laird Sec. of Defense
8—Henry A. Kissinger Asst. to President
7—William P. Rogers Sec. of State
6—J. Edgar Hoover FBI Director
5—Bob Hope Goodwill Ambassador
4—Patricia Nixon Daughter
3—Julie Nixon Daughter
2—David Eisenhower Son-in-law
A—Liberal Donkey
K—Edmund S. Muskie Senator, Maine
Q—Jane Fonda Political Activist
J—Edward Kennedy Senator, Mass.
10—Mike Mansfield Senator, Montana
9—Hubert Humphrey Senator, Minnesota
8—J. Wm. Fulbright Senator, Arkansas
7—George McGovern Senator, S. Dakota
6—Birch Bayh Senator, Indiana
5—William Proxmire Senator, Wisconsin
4—Ralph Nader Consumer Protector
3—Eugene McCarthy Ex-Senator, Minn.
2—John V. Tunney Senator, Calif.
A—Hard Hat Donkey
K—Lyndon B. Johnson Ex-President
Q—Lady Bird Johnson Wife
J—George C. Wallace Governor of Alabama
10—Richard J. Daley Mayor of Chicago
9—Lawrence O’Brian Dem. Nat. Chrmn.
8—John B. Connally Secretary of Treas.
7—Wilbur D Mills Rep. Arkansas
6—Carl Albert Spkr. of the House
5—Lestor Maddox Lt. Governor, Ga.
4—John V. Lindsay Mayor of N.Y.C.
3—Jesse Unruh Ex-Speaker
2—Samuel W. Yorty Mayor of L.A.